Subcutaneous parasites

Helminths are subcutaneous parasites that live in the human body. They feed on host cells, releasing toxic substances. Infection with parasites can lead to serious illness, in the worst case, death. Depending on the type of worm, the locations of their deployment vary. Some reproduce in organs, some live under human skin, provoking the development of dermatoses.

Varieties of subcutaneous parasites and methods of infection

Parasitic skin diseases are not common types of pathologies. Despite this, cases of the disease have been reported. Most likely they will visit Asian regions and countries with hot climates. Parasites in the human body provoke an allergic reaction, accompanied by unbearable itching.

In medicine, worms are divided into two types:

  • Subcutaneous. Helminths are difficult to diagnose. After infection and maturation stage, parasites move through the human body. The most common types of subcutaneous helminths are: iron, scabies mites, filariae, young.
  • Dermal. Upon contact with human skin, parasites migrate to different parts of the body. As a result of parasitic infection of the skin, inflammation of the pancreas occurs, the development of scaly lichen, eczema and diabetes mellitus.

Common cases include infection with a tick located in the sebaceous glands. It is distinguished by an exit to the surface of the epidermis during the day to nourish secretions from the skin ducts.


Filariasis is the defeat of a person by nematode parasites. It is found in the countries of the Asian region, as well as in countries with tropical climates. The most probable way of infection is when you visit tourist areas. The main risk of parasites is the long incubation period. Without showing symptoms, the worms can live under the skin for 5 to 7 years. Pests are distinguished by excessive vital activity, which provokes symptoms of intoxication in the patient.

Filaria under a microscope

In the early stages, the disease has signs of urticaria. As the worms grow and multiply, there is a loss of vision, the formation of mobile seals and fever. In later stages, the location of the worms is determined with the naked eye.


Dracunculiasis is a disease provoked by infection with subcutaneous helminths. They are able to live in open water. Human infection occurs during travel, when you drink raw water from unverified sources. In an infected person, the larvae are located below the upper layer of the epidermis. The presence of even one parasite without proper treatment leads to death. In world practice 100-centimeter-long adult helminths have been recorded. They are able to occupy the entire space of the stomach, liver or block the airways.Removal of dracunculiasis worm from under the skin of the footMost often, helminths are localized in a person's lower extremities.

The main symptoms of the lesion include:

  • redness in the legs;
  • formation of fluid-filled bubbles;
  • intolerable itching;
  • the appearance of lumps;
  • purulent formations.

The main treatment is surgical removal of the helminth from the body.


The disease provokes a variety of helminth species found in aquatic bodies. Infection occurs when you swim in the rivers and lakes of the Africa and Asia region. Another way of infection is untested drinking water. It is the source of the spread of eggs and larvae of parasites. Initially, the helminths are localized under the epidermis. An allergic rash forms on the skin, accompanied by itching. As the disease progresses, the larvae penetrate deep into the body. The patient's kidneys and liver are severely affected. The disease is accompanied by night fever, profuse sweating. Enlarged liver and deformed kidneys can help diagnose infection.

Schistosomes that live under the skin


Cysticercosis is a disease associated with human infection with swine flu. The parasite belongs to the category of persistent, lives in Asian countries. For the development of an adult in the human body, the penetration of 1 larva or part of a worm is enough. Parasites are very regenerative, which complicates the treatment process.

The main signs of damage include urticaria, itching, general weakness, pain. Often, the worms are located under the skin, in the muscles, in the eyes, in the internal organs and in the brain. During the development of an adult, a tubercle or hardening forms under the skin. Over time, it can grow, causing annoyance. The main places of multiplication of the pig strip are the area of the shoulders, chest, arms, palms.


The main method of worm infection is the penetration of larvae through insect bites or contact with animals. Temporary carriers of the larvae are cats and dogs, mosquitoes act as carriers. The female worm is 30 centimeters tall, the male 10 centimeters.Dirofilaria - a parasite that enters the skin through insect bitesThe development of parasites occurs under the upper layer of the epidermis.

Eggs remain on human skin with mosquito bites. The hatched larva penetrates deep into the skin through the damaged area of skin. There she goes through all the stages of growth. The disease is accompanied by unbearable itching. Seals are observed in areas of worm localization. The patient feels the movement of adults under the skin. Loss of vision is possible if affected by helminths.

Worm treatment is performed with an operative method. After surgery, patients are shown medications that restore the affected skin and organs.


Scabies is an infection of a person with a scabies mite. The disease got its name from the severe and unbearable itching all over the body. In places where ticks are localized, people develop rashes and spots.

Tick infection occurs through bodily contact with an infected person or his personal belongings. Diagnosis is made by visual examination of the skin and laboratory tests.Scabies mites under human skinAt home, diagnosis can be made with iodine. When it comes in contact with the affected skin, a cobra net becomes visible - the way ticks move under the skin of an infected person.

The main symptoms of scabies include:

  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • formation of fluid-filled blisters during itching of the skin;
  • localization of lesions in the hands and joints.

Treatment of the disease is long and arduous. It is almost impossible to completely eliminate parasites.


Detective scabies is a human infection with subcutaneous ticks. They are located in the sebaceous glands of the infected. In the initial stages, the disease can be easily confused with acne. As the mites multiply, the rash enlarges and spreads all over the face. Loss of eyelashes begins.

The diagnosis of demodicosis is simple. For this a visual examination is performed and a series of laboratory tests are performed. Treatment of the disease is long-term. In some cases, it takes several years. Infection with ticks occurs through direct contact with the patient, the use of personal items or cosmetics of the infected. Successful tick reproduction is facilitated by an unstable hormonal background, a weakened immune system.

Symptoms of the disease

Redness of the skin with demodicosis

Modern medicine distinguishes several types of subcutaneous parasites. They provoke the development of skin dermatitis and damage to internal organs. Depending on the pathogen in a person, the symptoms appear in a special way. Despite this, there are a number of signs, when they appear, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

You can learn about worms in the body from a variety of signs:

  • general weakness;
  • temperature rise to 39 ° C;
  • itching of the skin of varying degrees of intensity;
  • the appearance of skin rashes;
  • disturbed gastrointestinal tract;
  • formation of seals on the skin.

It is important to note that an early visit to a doctor allows you to quickly rid the body of parasites living under human skin.

Diagnostic features

Subcutaneous parasites in humans are difficult to diagnose. Therefore, at the first suspicion of a lesion, it is necessary to consult a specialist. The complexity of the diagnosis is directly related to the latent course of the disease. Basically, vivid symptoms appear only a few years after the loss, which negatively affects health.

Examination by a dermatologist to diagnose parasitic skin diseases

A number of symptoms indicate helminthic invasion, but there is no general clinical picture of manifestation. It is necessary to exclude the loss of the patient with helminths in case of redness of skin areas, the appearance of persistent itching, various seals on the skin.

A visit to a number of specialists allows you to make an accurate diagnosis:

  • dermatologist;
  • neuropathologist;
  • allergist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • psychologist.

Consultation of a psychologist is done if there are no deviations in the direction of other specialists.

To clarify the diagnosis, patients are assigned laboratory examinations:

  • blood test for antigens;
  • examination of a skin sample;
  • staining;
  • secret research;
  • itching from the affected area.
Scratching the affected area to detect parasites under the skin

The results of laboratory examinations can detect parasites under the skin. If in the last six months before the onset of symptoms there have been trips to Asian countries or other tropical regions, this fact should be told to the doctor.

Diagnosis of subcutaneous parasites requires the appointment of a competent therapeutic regimen. In this situation, the use of drugs or methods of traditional medicine that are not recommended by the attending physician is prohibited. Violation of the therapy regimen can lead to deterioration and poisoning of the body.

Effective treatments

In medical practice, there are two methods of therapy for parasites: drug and surgical. Depending on the complexity of the lesion, the doctor uses one method or both in combination. The choice of therapeutic treatment methods depends on the patient's health risk and the characteristics of the parasites.

Drug therapy for subcutaneous parasites

The choice of therapy method is influenced by:

  • number of parasites in the patient's body;
  • worm regenerative ability;
  • reproduction rate;
  • localization of parasites;
  • the patient's allergic reactions;
  • severity of the disease;
  • possible or existing complications.

Drug treatment involves taking a course of drugs. The action of drugs involves exposure in several directions:

  • Destruction of worms and larvae grown in the body, prevention of their reproduction. For this, antihelminthic drugs are used.
  • Removal of inflammation and destruction of foci of infection. For this, a course of antibiotic therapy is performed.
  • Accelerate the elimination of toxins and the removal of an allergic reaction. The patient was prescribed a course of antihistamines and glucocorticoid drugs.
  • Healing the affected areas of the skin. Creams and ointments are used to accelerate the regenerative function of the epidermis.

Surgical treatment of subcutaneous parasites is recommended in cases where there are serious complications and there is a special location of the worm. The operation has shown high efficiency in cases where it is known that the body is affected only by one individual. Most often, surgery is used for dracunculosis. The internal fluid of the worm contains toxic substances that can cause anaphylactic shock. In this case, a holistic extract of the parasite is indicated.

Prevention methods

Infection with skin parasites in humans requires prolonged therapy. The problem can be avoided by following a series of preventive measures:

  • Compliance with hygiene rules. Hands should be washed under running water using soap or an antiseptic. Especially after contact with unfamiliar or stray animals. Scratches, cuts and other skin damage should be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Product processing. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly rinsed under running water before use. It is recommended to heat the fish, poultry and meat. Avoid eating raw or semi-raw meat.
  • Use of proven water sources. Water from unknown sources should be treated. Open water bodies and springs deserve special attention.
  • Routine vaccination. Before traveling to tropical countries, it is necessary to be vaccinated against major diseases.
  • General use of cosmetics. Women should avoid sharing makeup, even with close friends.
  • Swimming in open water. Swimming in polluted or untested water bodies is prohibited. During the hot season, priority should be given to water bodies that have been tested for water quality.

A responsible attitude towards one's own health and adherence to preventive measures helps prevent parasitic skin diseases.